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Best Manufacturing Office Assistant Job Ever:
How ‘bout we skip right ahead to the center of the tootsie-pop? Our small business is located in Fountain Inn. We are biased — but we are pretty sure we are the coolest place to work for, ever. And we really believe that we make the best shutters around (you will see what we mean when you check out our website!). Honestly, the job is not all roses and puppy dogs (though, Bootz, our pup, does hang out at the shop a lot) — there is some good news and there is some bad news.
Let’s get the bad news out of the way first:
- You won’t get rich at this job. The pay is $14/hour. It can be some extra spending money, for sure. However, if you are seeking a job to support a household then this is no longer the ”coolest” part time office assistant job ever, it is now the “suckiest” part time office assistant job ever.
- You will have to be a bit like a superhero with two distinct characters. One will be answering and following up on customer emails and calls, scheduling crates to be shipped, and creating invoices. The other will be doing a special project that needs to be top priority for the day. It could be helping out in the shop cutting aluminum or sanding some shutters, prospecting for new clients, creating work instructions, or researching a crazy idea that popped into Kristin’s head. Like a superhero, there’s a chance you won’t know which character you will be until the last minute. If you like to know what you are doing every day with more than a day’s notice, this job might drive you bonkers.
Now let’s talk about the good stuff:
- Our office is inside our shop, which isn’t climate controlled. While the office does have some air conditioning, you will be going through and sometimes working in the shop as well. Just think of the amazing benefits of working in a big, open space, with the temperature inside mimicking the temperature outside. When the weather allows, our bay doors are wide open and we’ve got air circulating all around. In the winter you can wear your comfortable sweatshirt, and, in the summer, you can wear shorts and t-shirts to work! Okay, so that part is maybe not the greatest, but there are some (truly) great things…
- The work is fun, fresh and dynamic. You will be working directly with the owners of the business and your responsibilities vary from day to day.
- We aren’t big on stress. So, while we will expect you to work efficiently and get things done, we focus on open communication and getting things done right the first go around.
- The hours are somewhat flexible. We will work with your schedule to determine the 4 (possibly more) hours that work best for you between 9-4, Monday-Friday. Bonus points if you choose 10-2.
- You will experience things, do things, and make decisions on things that no big stuffy company would ever allow you to do. You will be able to dictate some of the work that you do. You are encouraged to fix what bugs you without filling out forms and getting stuck in red tape.
- We randomly give out gift cards…. and the gift cards are to random places. It’s a fun perk and you never know when it’ll happen… but happen, it will… Cha-Ching!
- You don’t need to be skilled at roller skating or laser tag or bowling or escaping a room or mini- golf but you will likely be doing something like that at some point. Every once in a while, we do something fun or goofy or both as a team. We love a chance to fire up our charcoal grill for a mid-day cookout or grab some pizza to celebrate wins!
Now, let’s talk about the job requirements:
- You need to be the type of person who gets joy out of getting things done. Every day, you will bang out a list of stuff. Important stuff. Necessary stuff. There’s a chance that your to-do list has “make a to-do list” on it because that way you win just by getting the list started.
- You will be working at a computer and answering the phone, so you should be comfortable working directly with customers on the phone and by email. Having two computer screens makes you jump for joy (or at least sigh in relief). On the left one you have your excel quote sheet open and on the right screen you are entering the invoice information. If you don’t know how to do something on the computer, you know the Google gods will come to the rescue.
- You will be participating in social posts. So, you need to enjoy tapping into your creative side… while at the same time have the discipline to stay on brand with messaging. Doing an Instagram Story takeover where you tell our followers about what’s happening is exciting and being part of a Reel is everything you’ve ever dreamed about. (OK, maybe you’ve never thought about it, but now that you have, you’d be down with participating).
- You need to be a person who loves to deliver remarkable experiences to other people. You know, you need to be someone who feels good by making other people feel good. In addition to delivering an out-of-this-world customer service experience for our clients, we are a team, and we believe it’s important to help each other out. Your past co-workers would say they are used to you asking, “how can I help?” and have never heard you say, “that’s not my job.”
- You need to appreciate quality. You don’t need to race through work and get things done half- assed (we figured that one out ourselves). We need you to slow things down and get them done right. At the same time, work efficiently and with a sense of urgency.
- We want you to be meticulous in your work. If you love to create processes and well-thought out plans, that is totally cool, because Kristin has a LOT of ideas and needs to be surrounded by people who can focus and create order from chaos. We are looking for a good, fun person, who gets sh!t done. (Oh, and we occasionally swear at the shop… sometimes a joke is only funny with an F-bomb).
- Once you are settled in, you will often find yourself hanging out with the phone and the computer more than people. The team is around, and they will pop in from time to time, but everyone works more or less independently on their specific jobs. You should enjoy a balance of interacting with people and putting your nose to the grindstone to get things done on your own. On the days Mary is in the office, she usually has her headphones on as she knocks out her to-do list in record time.
In short, your job is to help around the office in any way you can and deliver a delightful customer experience to our clients. And to have fun at work (who wants a job that isn’t fun?!?). Our shop is casual, but we do expect professionalism and punctuality.
What we don’t expect is perfection or any knowledge about shutters for you to qualify for this job. We can teach you that. We expect intelligence, energy, and a get it done attitude. When you have questions, you will find the answers by asking just about anyone on our team.
To learn more about us, and to see the kind of products you’ll have the good fortune to represent, check out or find us on social @southerncraftedshutters
If this is a job that gets you so excited that you would even do it for free, we would totally accept that offer from you. But if you prefer compensation (and we totally get it…we prefer getting paid as well) this is what we offer: This is a part time, manufacturing office job. The pay is $14 an hour and the hours will be 20-25 a week. You must come to our Fountain Inn shop five times a week (sorry, but this is not a virtual job).
In addition to being a detailed person, you must follow systems and processes. In fact, just to prove that you are detail oriented and can follow procedures, when you apply for this position by email (to [email protected]) you must include “I have found my type of peeps” in the subject line. Yep, that’s our little trick to sort out the people who blanket send their resume to anyone and everyone, from the folks (that’s you) who are truly interested in this position.
We are looking to bring our new colleague on board as soon as possible, but we will spend the necessary time to find the best fit both in abilities and culturally. (We are looking for our Cinderella story – where the shoe just slides on without any force). One thing that will give you a BIG leg up (but is optional) is to send a quick video along with your resume (in fact, everyone who works here did this). In your video tell us why you think you’re perfect for this job and why you will rock this position. This is both for us to get a sense of your personality and because everyone on the team is responsible for sending weekly videos to our clients, so it’s important that you’re comfortable doing so if you join the team. And if you decide not to send a video (that’s ok), please tell us why you are applying and why you chose not to send in a video.
We can’t wait to meet you!!!
The Southern Crafted Shutters Team