Cedar shutters are a popular choice for homeowners who want to add charm and character to their homes. However, while they may look beautiful, there are some potential pitfalls of cedar exterior shutters that homeowners should be aware of.

Cedar shutters are certainly a stunner when they are properly maintained. But that’s just it, cedar shutters require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best.

You start off with brand new cedar shutters, you stain them, and stick them up on your house. And here’s what happens next…

Cedar is a natural wood that is prone to decay and insect infestation if it is not properly sealed and maintained. This means that homeowners who choose cedar shutters must be diligent in their upkeep to prevent these issues from arising.

Cedar is a soft wood that can be easily damaged by wind, hail, and other extreme weather events. This means that homeowners in areas with frequent storms may want to consider alternative materials for their shutters.

What now? You try painting your cedar shutters. You think to yourself that painting the shutters will reduce the maintenance load. And then you see shutters like this:

Luckily, there are alternatives. Composite shutters are lower maintenance than wood shutters. They are pest and rot resistant and do not need to be repainted every 2 years. They are also usually more economical. But if you want almost maintenance free shutters, you go with aluminum. Aluminum shutters are the lowest maintenance shutters there are. Pest decay? No. Rot? Again, no.

While cedar shutters can add beauty and charm to a home, they are not without their drawbacks. Homeowners should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of cedar shutters before making a decision about whether or not they are the right choice for their home.